An ideia, an insight or some sort of new concept that is good enough to make a difference should be shared. Since young I think about creating new approaches, different ways of doing things, simplified perspectives of complex problems or sometimes just a new interesting insight.

I always try to check my ego to see if it´s not just to impress my peers, friends or family. The main goal should be to improve the life of patients and doctors. Not only their health but ultimately their happiness and peace. If we can do that, even for a small bit, it will all be worth it.

J André Cardoso

Cardoso JA, Almeida PJ, Fernandes S, Silva CL, Pinho A, Fischer A, Simões L. Co-existence of crowns and veneers in the anterior dentition: case report. Eur J Esthet Dent. 2009 Spring;4(1):12-26.

Some clinical tips and tricks to try to make crowns and veneers look natural when mixed together in anterior teeth. Science has evolved since then but it is still an interesting article. It was published in 2009 in the European Journal of Esthetic Dentistry (later became the International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry). My first international publication on the top european journal in this field and it was a big deal at that time. The laboratory work was done by Alex Fisher and Liliana Simões, a very talented couple of Ceramists with who I have good memories.

Cardoso JA, Almeida PJ, Fischer A, Phaxay SL. Clinical Decisions in Anterior Restorations – the Concept of Restorative Volume. J Esthet Restor Dent. 2012 Dec;24(6):367-83.

This a helpful article for choosing anterior ceramics. It is a systematic thought process that guides the clinician through 3 clinical parameters: Structure, Color and Gingival biotype to decide the best ceramic system to use to optimize esthetic results, functional resistance and soft tissue stability.  It was published in 2012 on the Journal of Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry, the most scientifically impactful journal on restorative esthetics in the US. Certainly one of the contributions to the field we are most proud and thankful for.

Negrao, R, Taveira T, Cardoso JA. Soluções estéticas não invasivas com resinas compostas – caso clínico. Int J Braz Dent. 2013; 9(1):32-41.

Rui Negrão published this article in the International Journal of Brazilian Dentistry. It is a well executed and documented clinical case done in a non-invasive way, directly freehand by Rui. Rui has an innate sense of anatomy and shape that he applied in this missing lateral incisor case to create an illusion of harmony.  Also includes a good intro and discussion regarding the pros and cons of resin composites in the anterior region. It is a good clinical article on composites by a very talented professional.

Cardoso JA, Almeida PJ, Sampaio-Fernandes JC, Silva CL, Pinho A, Fischer A, Simões L. Diastema-Verschluss mit Veneers aus Feldspatkeramik. Dental Dialogue. 2011.

An article written in German language about a simple case of anterior ceramic veneers to close diastemas. Includes a step-by-step photographic protocol of clinical an laboratorial steps for the fabrication of feldspathic porcelain veneers. An outstanding ceramic work by Alex Fischer and Liliana Simões.


Cardoso J. Periodontology in Relation to Aesthetic Practice. In: Banerji S, Mehta SB, Ho C, editors. Practical Procedures in Aesthetic Dentistry. 1st ed. 2017.

Jorge André Cardoso contributed with four chapters to the book Practical Procedures in Aesthetic Dentistry:

– Clinical Assessment of Periodontal Tissues
– Crown Lengthening without Osseous Reduction – Gengivectomy and Lasers (with video)
– Crown Lengthening with Osseous Reduction (with video)
– Management of Gingival Recession and Graft Harvesting (with video)
A book aimed at late graduate students and early graduate dentists who search to deepen their interdisciplinary knowledge in aesthetic dentistry. Jorge published here for the first time his 5 step approach to aesthetic crown lengthening to treat “gummy smile”.

Negrao R, Cardoso JA, Braz de Oliveira, N, Almeida PJ, Taveira T, Blashkiv O. Conservative restoration of the worn dentition – the anatomically driven direct approach. (ADA) . Int J Esthet Dent. 2018 Spring;13(1):2-34. In press

The article has tow basic goals:

  1. The first goal is to provide a clear and organised vision of the functional, biologic, and esthetic principles of treatment planning based on the most current, evidence-based notions and clarified insights from experts. These are principles that should be applied universally in any comprehensive treatment plan. We worked hard on simplifying many things that are usually complex, hopefully this can be of some help to less experienced clinicians or to the ones struggling with full mouth treatment panning.
  2. The second goal is to propose the application of these principles to direct restorations even when no individualised articulator mounting or appropriate laboratory wax-ups are available – the anatomically driven direct approach (ADA). We hope to be helping clinicians worldwide who do not have available resources for comprehensive wax-ups or that simply prefer to go freehand on these cases.

Although complex and dense at first sigh this is certainly one of the most relevant articles we published so far. It combines more than ten years of brainstorming on how we can simplify and teach functional treatment planning on more complex or extensive cases. On the discussion we go through some of the most controversial in these topics. It was a joy to write it! Published the International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry.

Patel J, Cardoso JA, Mehta S. A systematic review of botulinum toxin in the management of patients with temporomandibular disorders and bruxism. Br Dent J. 2019 May;226(9): 667-672.

The article came from a final year project of a student at Kings College London. Using botulinum toxin can be a helpful tool to manage a very important and debilitating condition for many patients when other conservative conditions don´t work. Published in the British Dental Journal.

Cardoso JA, Almeida PJ, Negrão R, Oliveira JV, Venuti P, Taveira T, Sezinando A. Clinical guidelines for posterior restorations based on Coverage, Adhesion, Resistance, Esthetics, and Subgingival management. The CARES concept: Part I – partial adhesive restorations. Int J Esthet Dent. 2023 Jul 18;18(3):244-265.

This is the first of a 3 part series covering the rationale for restoring posterior teeth. This was a work that took about 3 years to accomplish and it is a suggestion for a flexible thought process in these frequent clinical decisions. The C.A.R.E.S. concept focuses on how restore posterior teeth based on Coverage, Adhesion, Resistance, Esthetics and Subgingival management. First part deals with partial restorations – diferences between posterior and anterior teeth, when and why do to cusp coverage and preparation designs (onlays, overlays, table tops, vonlays and endocrowns) according to several parameters. Published in the International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry

Cardoso JA, Venuti P, Almeida PJ, Costa R, Lapa HC, Afonso L. Clinical guidelines for posterior restorations based on Coverage, Adhesion, Resistance, Esthetics, and Subgingival management. The CARES concept: Part II – full-contour resistive crowns with vertical preparation. Int J Esthet Dent. 2023 Oct 11;18(4):346-365.

This is the second part of a three part series. The C.A.R.E.S. concept focuses on how restore posterior teeth based on Coverage, Adhesion, Resistance, Esthetics and Subgingival management. This third part covers the situation where resistive forms need to be implemented in the preparation – crowns. And it focuses on vertical preparations and its different variants like the “vertiprerp” and “BOPT”. Published in the International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry

Cardoso JA, Venuti P, Dias NS, Oliveira JV, Bastos J, Henriques R. Clinical guidelines for posterior restorations based on Coverage, Adhesion, Resistance, Esthetics, and Subgingival management. Part III – subgingival margins, “ferrule” design” and posts in severely compromised teeth  Int J Esthet Dent. 2024 Jan 29;19(1):14-33.

This is the third part of a three part series. The C.A.R.E.S. concept focuses on how restore posterior teeth based on Coverage, Adhesion, Resistance, Esthetics and Subgingival management. This third part covers different strategies to deal with subgingival margins and maximize “ferrule” design: gingivectomy, osteotomy, deep subgingival preparation, assume fracture as a vertical margin and orthodontic and surgical extrusion. Published in the International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry

Anes L, Cardoso JA, Azevedo L, Oliveira K, Maligno F. Mounting digital casts on a virtual articulator by using two-dimensional facial photographs with a facebow: A technique. J Prosthet Dent. 2024 Feb 27:S0022-3913(24)00065-9.

An interesting technique where you can mount on virtual/digital articulators only using only an intra-oral scan and patient photographs with a analog facebow. Additionally you can also see the Camper´s plane easily relative to the dental intra-oral scan. Published in  The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry

Full list of publications

Cardoso JA, Galvão E, Correia A, Fernandes S. Aplicações Informáticas em Medicina Dentária. J Am Dent Assoc Edição Portuguesa 2001 Jul∙Aug;1(4):11∙30.

Cardoso JA, Barbosa C, Fernandes S, Silva CL, Pinho A. Reducing subjectivity in the evaluation of pre-clinical dental preparations for fixed prosthodontics using the Kavo PrepAssistant. Eur J Dent Educ. 2006 Aug;10(3):149-56.

Cardoso JA, Almeida PJ, Sampaio-Fernandes JC, Silva CL, Pinho A. Improvement of the periodontal interface in restorative treatments. Clin Oral Investigations. 2009. Abstract 13:49- 118

Cardoso JA, Almeida PJ, Fernandes S, Silva CL, Pinho A, Fischer A, Simões L. Co-existence of crowns and veneers in the anterior dentition: case report. Eur J Esthet Dent. 2009 Spring;4(1):12-26.

Cardoso JA, Almeida PJ, Sampaio-Fernandes JC, Silva CL, Pinho A, Fischer A, Simões L. DiastemaVerschluss mit Veneers aus Feldspatkeramik. Dental Dialogue. 2011.

Cardoso JA, Almeida PJ, Fischer A, Phaxay SL. Clinical Decisions in Anterior Restorations – the Concept of Restorative Volume. J Esthet Restor Dent. 2012 Dec;24(6):367-83.

Cardoso J. Periodontology in Relation to Aesthetic practice. In: Banerji S, Mehta SB, Ho C, editors. Practical Procedures in Aesthetic Dentistry. 1st ed. Wiley Balckwell; 2017. p 78-108.

Negrao R, Cardoso JA, Braz de Oliveira, N, Almeida PJ, Taveira T, Blashkiv O. Conservative restoration of the worn dentition – the anatomically driven direct approach. (ADA) . Int J Esthet Dent. 2018 Spring;13(1):2-34. In press

Patel J, Cardoso JA, Mehta S. A systematic review of botulinum toxin in the management of patients with temporomandibular disorders and bruxism. Br Dent J. 2019 May;226(9): 667-672.

Cardoso JA, Almeida PJ, Negrão R, Oliveira JV, Venuti P, Taveira T, Sezinando A. Clinical guidelines for posterior restorations based on Coverage, Adhesion, Resistance, Esthetics, and Subgingival management. The CARES concept: Part I – partial adhesive restorations. Int J Esthet Dent. 2023 Jul 18;18(3):244-265.

Cardoso JA, Venuti P, Almeida PJ, Costa R, Lapa HC, Afonso L. Clinical guidelines for posterior restorations based on Coverage, Adhesion, Resistance, Esthetics, and Subgingival management. The CARES concept: Part II – full-contour resistive crowns with vertical preparation. Int J Esthet Dent. 2023 Oct 11;18(4):346-365.

Cardoso JA, Venuti P, Dias NS, Oliveira JV, Bastos J, Henriques R. Clinical guidelines for posterior restorations based on Coverage, Adhesion, Resistance, Esthetics, and Subgingival management. Part III – subgingival margins, “ferrule” design” and posts in severely compromised teeth  Int J Esthet Dent. 2024 Jan 29;19(1):14-33.

Anes L, Cardoso JA, Azevedo L, Oliveira K, Maligno F. Mounting digital casts on a virtual articulator by using two-dimensional facial photographs with a facebow: A technique. J Prosthet Dent. 2024 Feb 27:S0022-3913(24)00065-9. 



ORA - Dental Esthetics and Oral Rehabilitation

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